“ICLEI – the global cities network.  We are a powerful movement of 12 mega-cities, 100 super-cities & urban regions, 450 large cities, 450 small & medium-sized cities & towns in 84 countries dedicated to sustainable development.”

Quote from ICLEI’s international website:  www.iclei.org/.

Here’s a link showing all of the members worldwide:  www.iclei.org/en/members-search.html

What does ICLEI (pronounced ICK-LY) stand for?  International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.   However, it has shortened its name to Local Governments for Sustainability.  It was created as a non-governmental spin-off of the United Nations in 1990 to implement Agenda 21 locally across the world.  It is a global network of more than 2,500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development.  They are active in over 125+ countries and from their website “influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development.  Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.”

Headquartered in Bonn, Germany, it is a lobbying and policy group that is intended to influence and change local governmental policies related to all aspects of human life.  It designs and sells systems that monitor, report, and control water and energy usage.  This information is then shared.

By concentrating power in cities, this group circumvents requirements for ratification of international treaties and gives the illusion of local control.  ICLEI is structured as a parallel government but has no transparency because it is a private non-profit.  In fact, the cities then ally in regional conglomerates which break jurisdictional boundaries and destroy local control.  These regional boards are unelected and not answerable to the citizenry.  Ultimately, this facilitates global government by invalidating cities, counties, and nations with agreements and interwoven systems to which they are bound by contract:  public-private partnerships.

Across the nation, in large cities and small towns, [like Ojai], identical programs are being rolled out.  Land use restrictions, ordinances reducing energy usage, Smart Meters, school programs, and candidate trainings, are designed and implemented without your vote.  You may be invited to city visioning meetings, but the outcome is decided before you enter the room.

ICLEI funds trainings, issues guidelines, consults with communities, sets goals and measures progress.  ICLEI is the implementation arm of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.  ICLEI fragments into and influences so-called local groups that pressure your government for more regulations.  ICLEI blurs the lines between public and private, between governmental and non-governmental.

Greenhouse gas emissions are being tracked, measured, and logged by ICLEI.  Carbon offset trading, greenhouse gas emission goals, and legal statutes are designed and regulated by ICLEI.

Using ICLEI greenhouse gas emission goals, your local government is in the process of controlling where and how you live, what you eat, what your children learn, and what laws you will live under.  With the cover of ‘environmental concern’ your personal rights are being restricted.  Soon you will lose the right to travel freely without being asked for your ID.  You will lose the right to water your garden.  You will lose the right to refuse a Smart Meter.  You will lose the right to live in a rural area (see the Wildlands Project tab).  You will lose the right to drive a private vehicle.  Under the guise of “Sustainable Development,’ your property and civil rights are being systematically eliminated.

VENTURA COUNTY is a member of ICLEI.  Did anyone ask you if you wanted to pay dues to ICLEI?  NO.  In fact, a standout influencer for ICLEI was former Ventura mayor, William “Bill” Fulton.  Have you heard about this at your City Council or County Supervisor Meeting?  Is it possible that only a core group knows about it?

This is a plan for global governance.  That means that you and your community will be required to meet arbitrary goals set by an unelected body – one that you have never heard of, but that Ventura County pays dues to, and that claims to speak for you and over 590 million people worldwide.

Your property tax, income tax, and transportation tax dollars are paying for trainings, seminars, and sample legislation/ordinances.  These policies are being forced on your town.

This is a whole life plan involving your educational system, your energy system, your government, your food production, your transportation and your health.  You are considered a threat to the planet and your life choices must be restricted.  Do we support conservation?  YES.  Do we support loss of civil rights to achieve environmental goals?  NO.

ICLEI is the implementation arm of UN Agenda 21

ICLEI fuels the fear

ICLEI pressures the community

ICLEI sets the goals for greenhouse gas reduction

ICLEI monitors the progress

ICLEI directs your land use planning

ICLEI controls your transportation dollars

ICLEI is an unelected private group that your government belongs to

ICLEI operates secretly

ICLEI is changing your life NOW!!!

Their plans are being implemented at an alarming rate. There is a growing movement to KICK ICLEI OUT of towns across the United States. 


Website:  www.iclei.org

[Excerpted from DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com.]